Celebrating five EMEA SABRE Awards 2022!
The 18th EMEA SABRE Awards were held in London on May 27th. We are proud to share that Omnicom PR Group won 1 SABRE award and 4 IN2SABRE Awards.
November 21, 2022
Great news! Our podcast series ‘OmniTalks: Healthcare Industry Leaders’ is nominated for a European Excellence Award, ranked in the top 5 for the category Digital Publishing.
Initiated during Covid-19, the podcast series reflects a momentous time for the healthcare industry and especially challenging working conditions for healthcare professionals. In three different episodes, we spoke to Marc Kaptein (Medical Director, Pfizer NL), Roel Coutinho (Former Director of the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) and Jan Anthonie Bruijn (Chairman Dutch Senate and physician), to learn about how they were dealing with those challenges and more. The aim of our conversations with them was to highlight the human side of healthcare professionals. We did this by asking our guests to share three music clips, book quotes or personal items that connected them to their field of expertise.
The result: Three very relevant, personal conversations with leading healthcare professionals, reaching a total of 65,000 listeners!
With this podcast series, we create a valuable synergy between politics, business, science and healthcare clients. We are very proud of this nomination which showcases important discussions and acknowledges several months of hard work.
Missed it? You can listen to the stories that were shared here. Stay tuned for our upcoming season!
The 18th EMEA SABRE Awards were held in London on May 27th. We are proud to share that Omnicom PR Group won 1 SABRE award and 4 IN2SABRE Awards.
Omnicom PR Group NL is nominated for the European Excellence Awards 2021 in the categories Employer Branding & Recruiting, Brand Relationship and Film & Video.