Omnicom PR Group launches toolkit that helps local governments prevent radicalization
August 30, 2019
Omnicom PR Group has launched a toolkit for the prevention of radicalization on behalf of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV). The launch took place during a working visit by Minister Koolmees of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) to the municipality of Delft.
Municipalities and the central government have been working together for a long time to prevent radicalization of groups and individuals. But until now, it was difficult to define if actions were effective. By combining their forces, local governments and the national government have created a toolkit to further improve prevention policy. With this toolkit, municipalities can evaluate an approach at three moments. Prior to implementing a certain approach, they can evaluate their plan. During the implementation, they can complete a process evaluation to make adjustments. Finally after the end of an approach, the toolkit helps with an effect evaluation to look at the results and effects achieved. Local governments that use the toolkit can share the results of their evaluations with each other, thus exchanging information and improving knowledge sharing amongst each other.
Easy accessible and useful information
On the Dutch website about the toolkit target audiences have access to knowledge, learned lessons, practical tools, instruction videos, checklists and formats for evaluating, adjusting and further developing prevention policies. The toolkit is a result of a collaboration between the ministry of SZW, RadarAdvies, Verwey-Jonker Institute, and Omnicom PR Group.